Access Bars
Body Pains/Stress & Anxiety/Fear/Mind & Body Balance/Improved Sleep/Mind Chatter/Managing Grief, Loss, Sadness, and Mindset Change
Class duration: 8:00 hours/1 day
What if you could change your whole life in just one class, all while just willing to change and making a different choice?
Thousands of people all over the world already have. What is Access Bars?
Access Bars is an energetic body process involving gentle touching of 32 points on your head.
These points (aka The Bars) store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, stress, and locked up energy in your mind and body.
They relate to all areas of your life such as creativity, awareness, body, sexuality, joy, sadness, money, control, and many more.
When you receive a Bars session, it allows the charge on these areas to dissipate, together with the stress and worries, giving you the choice to be more generative and to have something different show up in your life. With Ease!
As there are Bars for every aspect of your life do you think it's possible that you could clear limitations in any aspect of your life?
Would you like to clear any limitations relating to healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, hopes and dreams, sadness and joy, power, aging, sex, and money?
Each Bars session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitation in the area of your life that corresponds with the Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitations in all aspects of your life without any effort.
Typical Session
Firstly, having your Bars run is incredibly relaxing.
You don't have to do or think about anything but instead, you just lie down and receive.
For the entire process, you will be lying down, face up, and fully clothed
To initiate the process, the practitioner will start pulling energy through your body
From then on, the whole session will be focused on your head with the practitioner lightly touching various points
The whole session will typically last for 60 - 90 minutes
During the session you are free to do as you please; you can talk to the practitioner or just float off in a world of your own
Class Price: £270
Know more on Access Bars here

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Your transformation starts right from the first session that you take. You will gradually start seeing positive changes in your life. You will actually start living the life that you truly desired.